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Arita Cafe/ Past and Future Projects 

These are some of the projects I have been involved in

  • Upcoming Project: Art Curation at Scrims Florist Featuring Works by Matt Miwa , Yukari Snyder. Location: Scrims Florist, Ottawa, Canada. Dates: August 2025 

  • Upcommig project: JNIC Presents 日系カナダ史セミナーPart.2第三回 2025年1月14日(火)5PM PT/ 6PM MT/ 7 PM CT/ 8PM ET(日本時間1月15日(水) 10AM) 「アートレジェンド, ロイ・キヨオカ」 ゲストスピーカー:タウンソン真智子(アート・キュレーター)大阪EXPO70'で作品を制作した日系カナダ人アート・レジェンド、ロイ・キヨオカ氏の作品と人生を「人種」をその枠組みとして詳しく見ていきます。どなたでも無料で参加できますが、登録が必要です。このセミナーは日本語で開催されます。登録はこちらから

  • Exhibit Curator for Takako Segawa"Echoes: Vibrations from Japan to Canada" Lobby Art Show.  Location: Arts Court Theatre, 2 Daly Avenue, Ottawa. Dates: November 21–23, 2024

  • ポップアップ・アートショー「やおよろず」Hasami Hair Salon, オタワ, オンタリオ, 6月25日,26日, 2023年:日本では(神道の)神様の事を「八百万の神様」という名称で呼びます。ここで使われている「八百万(やおよろず)」とは数が極めて多く、多種多様な事を表しています。この数字の「八」に導かれて、八名の女性アーティストの皆様にお声がけさせて頂きました。同じ国に生まれても、育ちも、環境もちがう皆様の作品から、一定のステレオタイプを作り上げる事の愚かさを感じ取ってもらえればと思います。Participating Artist: Yuka Yamaguchi, Sawa Art Design, ILodori Aico, Yukari Snyder, Yoko Takashima, TenNYO Design, Kyoko Tsunetomi, Janca.

  • Pop Up Art Show: Yao Yorozu at Hasami Hair Salon, Ottawa, Ontario, June 25th and 26th, 2023: In Japan, the (Shinto) gods are called "eight million gods". The term "eight million" as used here means an extremely large number and variety.This number eight led me to call upon the eight female artists.  I chose this title in the hope that the works of these artists, who were born in the same country (Japan) but grew up and lived in different environments, will help us to understand the silliness of creating certain stereotypes.  Participating Artists: Yuka Yamaguchi, Sawa Art Design, ILodori Aico, Yukari Snyder, Yoko Takashima, TenNYO Design, Kyoko Tsunetomi, Janca.

  • Assisted TenNYO Design to invite delegates from the Embassy of Japan, Deputy Head of Mission, Minister FURUYA Tokuro to the fashion show organized by Richard Robinson Fashion Design Academy held at the Horticulture Building Lansdowne Park, Ottawa ,Canada on April 28th, 2023.

  • Co-translated (English to Japanese) book: ファシズムの日本美術:大観、靫彦、松園、嗣治 池田安里著、タウンソン真智子、池田安里訳 青土社 2020.05 (English title: The Politics of Painting: Fascism and Japanese Art during the Second World War by Asato Ikeda) May 31, 2018)

  • Co-cordinator for Aging Gracefully Christmas Art Café & Sale: photos by Kyoko Tsunetomi.

  • Art Photo Stylist for TenNYO Design Photo shoot

  • Art Photo Stylist for Aging Gracefully Ottawa photo shoot, for wellness instructor Hiromi McPhail with photographer, Kyoko Tsunetomi of CorgiMarkPhotography and calligrapher, Yukari Snyder (calligraphy_ottawa)

  • Kiyooka, Roy Encyclopedia of Saskatchewan (1926-94)

  • 2006 "Roots, Remakes, Reflections: Global/Canadian Kaleidoscopes," Maltwood Gallery, curated by Dr. Astri Wright and Machiko Oya, Victoria, Canada

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Like what you see? Contact me today to get started with my services.

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