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I’m Here to Help

What are your waiting times?


 The price varies and it depends on the length as well as the content of the material.  For example, The maximum number of words for English-to-Japanese translation would be 1200 a day.  In such cases, I will charge an express price.  

翻訳する書類の種類や記事の長さによります。目安としては、英⇨日の翻訳であれば1日で翻訳可能な文字数は英文1200 words 相当です。この場合は特急料金をいただきます。


What payment methods do you accept?


 We ask domestic customers (in Canada) to pay by e-transfer or bank check.  Outside Canada, bank transfers are preferred.  


What is your background? 

MA. (Art History) University of Victoria, Canada. 


My most recent translation project was a book translation.

翻訳:最近では出版翻訳 (英⇨日)に関わらせていただきました。

English Title:

"The Politics of Painting: Fascism and Japanese art During the Second World War" by Asato Ikeda: University of Hawaii Press; Illustrated edition (May 31, 2018)


ファシズムの日本美術 : 大観、靫彦、松園、嗣治

池田安里著 ; タウンソン真智子, 池田安里訳 青土社, 2020.5

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